July 24, 1899: “The Newsboys’ Strike.”

The Newsboys’ Strike.

“P’rade” Is Being Planned and the Boys Are Still Hopeful.


The strike of the newsboys continues, and teh boys claim that the enemy has lost rather than gained ground. About a score of strikers held a meeting back of the Eagle office this morning and were haranged at length by two or three impromptu speakers. After the meeting one of the boys was interviewed, and gave the Eagle reporter the following brief and picturesque summary of the situation up to that hour:

“Yes, sir, we’re still out, and they aint gained any ground on us either.” It was then explained that some of the lodging house habitues who had been hired to do the work of the striking newsboys had struck too. This gratified the boys extremely.

“We’re going to have a big p’rade,” continued the Eagle’s informant, “as soon as we can get money enough for a band. See?”

A crowd of men gathered in front of the circulating departments of the World and Journal, in Frankfort street, Manhattan, this morning, in answer to an advertisement inserted in Sunday’s paper for 700 men to sell papers. Several hundred men and good sized boys were hired. for the most part the men engaged were new at the business.

Business Manager Don Seitz of the World said this morning that as the mater had developed into a boycott, the newspapers could not recede from their position. He declared that there would be no reduction in the price charged for the paper and said that the Evening Journal would maintain the rates.

The strike was very effective in the Eastern District to-day. Not a copy of the proscribed papers could be bough in any part of the district. Seven burly boys landed in the Eastern District by Roosevelt Street Ferry at 11 o’clock this morning, each carrying a bundle of Worlds. They were stopped by a committee of the Eastern District striking newsboys and asked to turn back. It was learned that the Manhattan boys had bough their papers at the old rate, 60 cents a hundred. One of the strikers ran up to one of the intruders and snatched his papers from him. There was a fight and the Worlds fell in the gutter. Finally, the visiting boys gave in. They were escorted back to the ferry entrance and returned to Manhattan by the next boat.

Source: “The Newsboys’ Strike.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 24 July 1899, p. 2.