July 22, 1899: “Newsboys Aggressive.”

Newsboys Aggressive.

A Morning Attack.

The striking newsboys still hold out, and their tactics have become so aggressive up town and down town, as to attract the close attention of police captains of the different precincts. The newsboys to-day declare that their ranks are swelling every hour the strike continues.

“We’s got de fresh guys on de wagons scared now,” said “Kid” Blink, “an’ de man’gers can’t find no one to cirkelate de papers. Say, we’s winnin’ easy. We’s”—pointing with his thumb over his shoulder at his gang behind him—”de kids, de bosses said, couldn’t get de strike on no more ‘n we could tie knots in a pail of water!”

Scenes of disorder were not so frequent about Printing House Square to-day. There were parades, however, and occasionally a good deal of noise. It was hard to buy one of the tabooed papers in this locality, but it was an easy matter up town. Last night the boys ran riot, and several were arrested, spanked, and set free.

Several strikers attacked a youngster on Frankfort Street this morning, accusing him of being false to the union. They have him a severe beating with sticks and clubs. He was rescued by a policeman, and taken to a drug store, where a few wounds on his head and face were dressed. Finally he was put on a Third Avenue car and sent home. The attacking strikers were too quick for the police. As “Kid” Blink said, “De cops couldn’t run fast enough.”

One newsboy, who said he was twenty-one years old, was fined $5  in Jefferson Market Court this morning for taking part in a disturbance at Greeley Square last night.

Source: “Newsboys Aggressive.” Evening Post, 22 July 1899, p. 1.