July 23, 1899: “Striking Newsboys Are Firm”

Striking Newsboys are Firm

Papers Affected Declare that No Concession Is Contemplated.


There is no change in the strike of the newsboys against the Evening World and Journal. The boys show no signs of weakening, and at the salesrooms of the newspapers affected it was declared yesterday that no concession is contemplated. The boys have had handbills printed, and these were distributed in the copies of the rival “extras,” and were also pinned to the boys’ hats. The handbill is worded as follows:

“Help us in our struggle to get a fair play by not buying The Journal or The World. Help us! Do not ask for The World or The Journal. Newsboys’ Union.”

The words Journal and World are printed in yellow ink.

A few yelling boys paraded the Wall Street district during the morning, and there were a few small scrimmages during the day with youngsters caught in the act of offering the boycotted sheets for sale, but no serious fights occurred. The women who sell newspapers on Park Row and neighborhood have now joined the strikers.

At 1 o’clock in the afternoon there was a demonstration in front of the World and Journal offices by a couple of hundred urchins, some of whom carried banners. They whistled and yelled, and hooted until Detectives Allen and Distler of the Oak Street Station charged and scattered the crowd and arrested two of the ringleaders. The prisoners said they were Albert Smith, fifteen years old, of 56 Cherry Street, and Cornelius Boyle, fourteen, of 351 Water Street.

Later in the afternoon Detective Distler and Policeman Snydecker captured two more boys who were heading a noisy gang on Park Row and carrying banners. They were Abraham Greenhouse, fourteen years old, of 35 Allen Street, and Isaac Miller, thirteen, of 163 Ludlow Street. Finally, in the evening Joseph Mulligan, seventeen years old, of 93 Summit Street, Brooklyn; Frank Desso, seventeen, of 82 Mulberry Street, and Donato Caroluci, seventeen, of 184 Twelfth Street, Jersey City, were arrested for fighting on Park Row. All seven youngsters will be arraigned in the Centre Street Court this morning.

On Friday night while a crowd of boys were bombarding a Journal delivery wagon on Fulton Street a stone smashed a big plate-glass window of a jeweler’s store in Fulton Street. Yesterday a piece of paper pasted over the hole bore the words: “Dangerous; don’t touch; newsboys’ strike!”

Source: “Striking Newsboys Are Firm.” The New York Times, 23 July 1899, p. 3.