July 30, 1899: “Fable Repeated In Fact”

Fable Repeated In Fact

The Closing Chapter of the Newsboys’ Strike, Wherein a Moral is Contained

Once upon a time a dog with a piece of meat in his mouth, was crossing a river. Seeing his reflection in the water, said, “That dog has a bigger piece of meat.” He thereupon opened his mouth to make a snatch at the other dog’s meat, whereupon his own fell into the water. “And so the poor dog had none.”

There were once a number of newsboys who went on a strike. Things were coming their way. They had received offers of papers at five cents less a hundred than before. Then one of the said, “Our leader has gotten a large sum of money.” So all of the little boys grabbed for free papers that were being distributed. And now they pay the old price for their stock. All of which goes to show that fables are not really fables, and that history repeats itself.

Source: “Fable Repeated in Fact.” New-York Daily Tribune, 30 July 1899, p. 5.