July 28, 1899: “Newsboys Still Hold Out”

Newsboys Still Hold Out

Withdrawal of the Leaders Said to Have Had Little Effect.

The newsboys, notwithstanding the defection of two of their leaders, “Kid” Blink and “Dave” Simons, have determined to continue their struggle for a decrease in price of The Evening Journal and World. It was stated last night that the fight against the two papers would be in the hands of an executive board composed of delegates from each of the boroughs. The headquarters of this board will be announced to-day.

Several members of the board stated last night that the desertion of Blink and Simons had little or no effect on the situation. The new leaders declare that there were fewer of the boycotted papers sold yesterday than on any previous day, and that the strike will be kept up indefinitely. “We ain’t got no woifes and fam’lies,” is the cry of the strikers.

The withdrawing of the leaders broke up the parade which the boys were to have had last night. Several hundred boys who were indignant at the action of the leaders congregated on Park Row, but having no permit for a parade they were dispersed by the police. Their numbers were continually increased, however, and between 9 and 10 o’clock the police were kept active in keeping the street clear.

There were a number of fights among the boys. A policeman rushed into one group where a fight seemed imminent and placed one boy under arrest. He proved to be “Kid Blink” himself, and the object of a threatened attack. The merits of the case were not considered by the policeman, who marched Mr. “Blink” off to the Oak Street Police Station. He was shortly afterward released on bail.

The business manager of The Evening World declared last night that the backbone of the strike had been broken, and that neither paper had reduced the price from 60 cents a hundred.

At a meeting of the Newsdealers and Stationers’ Association last evening resolutions were adopted supporting the boys in their strike.

Chief Devery sent out a communication to the precinct commanders, saying he was informed the delivery wagons of The World and Journal are being constantly interfered with. The Chief announces his intention to hold the Captains personally responsible for any further depredations of this sort.

Source: “Newsboys Still Hold Out.” The New York Times, 28 July 1899, p. 4.