July 26, 1899: “Strikers Ahead in Mount Vernon”

Strikers Ahead in Mount Vernon

The striking newsboys yesterday succeeded in putting an end to the sale of the evening editions of “The World” and “The Journal” in Mount Vernon. Agents of the papers, after failing to sell any of them on Monday, yesterday failed to order them. The only package that reach this city arrived on the 10:30 train. A committee of strikers was on hand to receive it, and it had scarcely been thrown to the platform when the boys seized it and scattered the contents about in the mud.

In the City Court this morning Judge Bennett release John Charge and Walter Gulliver, two of the boys who were arrested in the riot of Monday. Thomas Madden, an outsider, who had used abusive language to the Chief of Police, was sentenced to three months’ imprisonment.

Source: “Strikers Ahead in Mount Vernon.” New-York Daily Tribune, 26 July 1899, p. 2.