July 28, 1899: “Newsboys See Victory Ahead”

Newsboys See Victory Ahead

Supported by Strong Newsdealers’ Associations Their Cause Steadily Gains Ground.

“Kid” Blink Is In “Clink”

Few Tears Shed When Former Leader Is Disgraced and Fined in Police Court.

Leaders No Longer Needed
Each Boys Runs His Own Fight Against the Evening Journal.

Although the defection of “Kid” Blink and his subsequent degradation in the Centre Street Police Court has robbed the newsbsoys’ strike against the Evening Journal of one of its picturesque features, the boycott continued in force to-day, and the two sheets in question were scarce in almost all sections of the city.

“Kid Blink” and “Dave” Simmons have been the leaders of the newsboys’ boycott, but yesterday, according to rumors, they had deserted their following. They were accused of desertion, but denied it so strongly that many of them believed “Blink” at least, while others, not so easily guiled, thought differently.

The two formers leaders were chased all around the newspaper neighborhood last night by the boys. The latter were in a fighting mood. They had in the afternoon torn up many of the boycotted papers, and were looking for something else upon which to wreck vengeance. About that time the “Kid,” clad in his new suit, came around, and the “newsies” chased him. he fled, and the boys followed.

Then for a time the “Kid’s” life was made a burden to him, for first he was chased by the indignant newsboys, who wanted to wreck his new suit as a payment for desertion, and then the police drove him about.

At last the latter managed to get their hands upon him and placed him under arrest. AT the station he described himself as Louis Dallatt, of No. 179 Park row. One of the agents of the boycotted papers offered to furnish bail, but his mother appeared at that juncture with a bondsman. The “Kid” was then released.

This morning he was arraigned in the Centre Street Police Court on a charge of disorderly conduct, and fined $3, which he paid, and then left the court with his mother. A band of newsboys stood outside and hooted at him as he passed.

The strike has assumed a new significance through the support of the strong newsdealers’ associations, which have placed the boycotted newspapers under the ban.

Park row, the whilom maelstrom of strike activity, the scene of sanguinary conflicts, had lost its turbulent populace to-day.

The scene had shifted to Frankfort street. There, however, there was an array policemen sufficient in point of numbers to quell any attempt at disorder in its incipiency, and to afford protection of a physical rather than a moral sort to those who undertook to dispose of the “yellows.”

These were many and velvet of voice. They made no rude outcry and sold few papers. The strikers contemptuously let them alone.

Louis Hass is the new newsboy Napoleon, Marco Bozzaris or whatever reincarnated deliverer of the downtrodden you may choose to call him. He was present when “Kid” Blink was fined $3 for disorderly conduct and promptly took up the burden relinquished by the fallen leader.

The “Kid’s” position is a peculiar one. He proclaims with much bravado that he is still in sympathy with the strike, but some of his fellows don’t believe him. Else why did he relinquish the ragged but honorable toga of freedom for the “store clothes” of servitude?

Humorous features were not to be found in the strike movement in the uptown districts. here it is serious business. The newsdealers have swept the boycotted papers from their stands, and have settled down to fight the publishers to the end.

“There is no fooling about this business,” said one of the older dealers to-day. “We have no time for that. We are helping the newsboys, of course, but we are not planning parades or anything of that sort. We have taken action deliberately, and propose to stick it out. And I think we will win.”

Evening Journal wagons traversed the city unmolested to-day, though each was manned by a crew of four or five full grown men. The papers were delivered at the stands that ordered them, but few were sold.

Some of the larger stands kept the papers, but did not display them with the sheets upon which no embargo has been laid. As a general rule, on the papers on display were sought by customers, and no inquiries were made for the boycotted extras. They were extras in fact as well as in name.

All the peripatetic newsboys thundered anathemas to-day upon the heads of Blink and Simons, who are now on the black list.

Most of the boys said they had no need of leaders. They explained that when a boy secured a little authority he was likely to become intoxicated with his power, and as a rule could not withstand the overtures of the enemy.

Each boy said that he would run his own fight henceforth. all he had to do was to refuse to sell the boycotted papers. The strike is so well along that the boys have come to believe that they can rely on each other not to desert the cause.

Outlying districts felt the effects of the strike more than ever to-day. Along the suburban routes the tie-up is complete and the boys are cheered on by encouraging reports of the progress of the strike in other cities.

In the residence districts of this city the tie-up is complete, owing to the action taken by the National Newsdealers’ and Stationers’ Association and the West Side Newsdealers’ Association. They have appealed to the public for aid and their appeal has not been in vain.

The tie-up is complete at the Grand Central Station. The older men selling in the neighborhood—the real aristocrats of the trade—are in control and their directions are implicitly obeyed by the newsboys, who have no regular stands or stations.

No “statements” were given out to-day by the newsboys, but there is everywhere mute evidence of the progress of the strike.

The EVENING TELEGRAM has received the following communication:—


The following is an actual occurance I overheard this evening at Christopher street ferry newsstand, and thinking it clever and timely, thought you might use it:—

Citizen (seeing the Journal displayed)—Haven’t you anything not so yellow?

Clerk—yes! We’ve the TELEGRAM, that’s pink!

New York, July 27, 1899.

Source: “Newsboys See Victory Ahead.” Evening Telegram, 28 July 1899, p. 8.